Graphing calculator coverage is optional and may be omitted without loss of continuity.NEW! Animations are available within MyMathLab.Each function box includes a table of values alongside traditional and calculator graphs, as well as the domain, range, and other specific information about the function. Function boxes offer a comprehensive, visual introduction to each class of function and also serve as an excellent resource for student reference and review throughout the course.Functions are introduced in Chapter 2 and are a unifying theme throughout the text.Real-life applications in the examples and exercises draw from fields such as business, pop-culture, sports, life sciences, and environmental studies to show the relevance of algebra to daily life.Students are able to immediately apply and reinforce the concepts and skills presented in the examples, while actively engaged in the learning process. Now Try exercises conclude every example with a reference to one or more parallel, odd-numbered exercises from the corresponding exercise set.Examples now offer additional side comments where appropriate in the step-by-step solutions, and there are more section references to previously covered material. Pointers in the examples provide on-the-spot reminders and warnings about common pitfalls.As a result, students develop both the conceptual understanding and the analytical skills necessary for success. Support for Learning Concepts: a systematic approach is used to present each topic, and is designed to actively engage students in the learning process. These assignments consist of 30 problems each. Cumulative assignments follow each chapter test in the homework and test manager, allowing students to synthesize previous material throughout the course.These are based on the text’s mid-chapter quizzes. Additional MathXL quizzes are assignable as homework.Additional MathXL coverage of all exercises include Summary Exercises, Relating Concepts Exercises, and Chapter Review exercises.Author-designated sample homework problems include pencasts for selected problems.

NEW! MyNotes from new co-author Callie Daniels provide structure for student note taking.Updates to MyMathLab® and MathXL® are an integral part of supporting instructors and student success in today’s classroom. Support for All Classroom Types: a complete suite of instructional materials makes it easier for instructors to prepare for the course, and leads to student success. Daniels’ experience, coupled with the long-time successful approach of the Lial series, has helped to more tightly integrate the text with online learning than ever before. For example, MyNotes provide structure for student note-taking, and Interactive Chapter Summaries allow students to quiz themselves in interactive examples on key vocabulary, symbols and concepts. New co-author Callie Daniels has experience in all classroom types including traditional, hybrid and online courses, which has driven the new MyMathLab features. The Lial team is now offering a new suite of resources to support today’s instructors and students. With the Tenth Edition, the authors recognize that students are learning in new ways, and that the classroom is evolving. Trigonometry, Tenth Edition, by Lial, Hornsby, Schneider, and Daniels, engages and supports students in the learning process by developing both the conceptual understanding and the analytical skills necessary for success in mathematics.