
Wiki max headroom
Wiki max headroom

wiki max headroom

In 1987, a signal hijacker used a Max Headroom mask, along with voice distortion, to hide his identity when he overrode the signals for both WGN-TV and WTTW within the same day.

Wiki max headroom full#

I mean, who's calling the tu-tu-tune-up? Who's in cru-cru-c-cruise control here, anyway? I'll tell you who: Me! Me! Max Headlamp! And if they don't like it, they can stick-stick-stickshift it in their exhaust pipe and cho-choke it! And smoke it!" The Blanks Janie Crane: "An off switch?" Metrocop: "She'll get years for that. Max Headroom, a plastic-coated stammering faux-CGI host full of sardonic wit played by the frankly underrated Canadian actor Creator/MattFrewer, made his debut in April of 1985 in a British one hour pilot one-hour PilotMovie entitled ''Max Headroom: TwentyMinutesIntoTheFuture''. Max Headroom was a character from the 80s sci-fi series of the same name the character gained popularity around the mid-80s. Oh, I've fendered it off time and timing belt again. Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz 0.1dB Dynamic Range: 111dB (A-weighted) THD+N: <0.0012 Noise EIN: -128dBu (A-weighted) Maximum Input Level: 9dBu (at.

wiki max headroom

that's because they're air-conditioned to it. Max Headroom (1987 1988) is a short-lived but ground-breaking American science fiction television series which aired on Cinemax, then on ABC. If they expect me to change gear now and start spark-spark-sparkplugging their products, they must be out of their pis-pis-pistonheads! Listen, I don't like to blow my own gasket, but I have better things to do than to sit here and wax-polish lyrical about car parts! Car parts! I've got letters from fan-belts who say, 'Max! You're special! You're unique! You're differential!' Yes, yes, I know it's what they want.

wiki max headroom

I'm sorry, but sorry, but if they think I'm endorsing car accessories, they've got another dipstick-stick coming!" Max Headroom: "No, no, they've tried this one before and I'm radial tired of it. He looks like he ()’s drawn with a computer, but the original was not done with computers: the computer-generated appearance was achieved with prosthetic make-up and hand-drawn backgrounds. Season 1 War Max Headroom: "Hi, this is Max-Max Headroom on Network 23, brought-brought-brought to you by. Max Headroom is a fictional AI character.

Wiki max headroom